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At Resolute Solutions, we specialize in comprehensive professional services that ensure strategic, financial, and regulatory success for your business. Our experts are equipped to handle intricate issues across healthcare compliance, financial management, and IRS representation. Explore our tailored services to find the strategic support your business needs.

Our Expertize & Services.

QuickBooks Online Integration and Support

Best Legal Billing Integrations for QuickBooks Online


Tailoring QuickBooks setup to align with your specific business requirements, including choosing the right accounting method and chart of accounts.

  • Beginning Balances and Expert guidance on handling beginning balances and migrating data from other accounting platforms.

Utilize QuickBooks’ extensive reporting features to gain deeper insights into your financial health.

 Connect QuickBooks with over 100 other applications to enhance functionality and streamline operations.

Key Advantages

  • Comprehensive support from certified QuickBooks professionals.
  • Enhance operational efficiency with features like automated bill pay and online banking integration.
  • Cost-effective solution that scales with your business needs.

Medicare, Medicaid, and RAC Audits

At Resolute Solutions, we provide expert guidance and strategic support to navigate the complex regulations and frequent updates from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Our services are designed to help healthcare providers maintain compliance, avoid financial recoupments, and manage the intricacies of Medicare, Medicaid, and RAC audits effectively.


  • Policy Changes and Compliance: Stay updated with CMS’s latest policies and procedures. We help you understand crucial aspects such as reasons for provider denials, the Medicare Appeals Process, and standards for medical review.
  • Medicare Audit Extrapolation: Learn when and how to use statistical sampling and extrapolation to report and return overpayments as directed in CMS’s Transmittal 828. We guide providers through the process, ensuring compliance with legal requirements when a high level of payment error is identified.
  • Program Integrity Audits: With CMS’s complete overhaul of the Medicaid Program Integrity Manual, we simplify the latest compliance demands. Our services help ensure that your eligibility claims are accurate, protecting your organization from fraud and abuse.
  • Independent Third-Party Inspections: Essential now more than ever, our independent inspections verify program integrity and help maintain accountability in your Medicaid claims.

Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program: Address improper payments under fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare plans. Our team assists in reviewing past RAC audit denials to identify vulnerabilities, setting up effective self-audits, and ensuring compliance with all procedural deadlines.

  • Expert Guidance: Direct assistance from experts familiar with the maze of CMS regulations and audit procedures.
  • Proactive Strategies: Implement proactive audit defense strategies that reduce risks and safeguard against potential financial penalties.
  • Comprehensive Support: From initial audit notification to final resolution, including appeals if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Answer: A Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) audit involves the review of past claims by contractors hired by CMS to identify and recover improper payments made under Medicare and Medicaid programs. RAC audits focus on both overpayments to patients and underpayments to providers, aiming to correct billing errors and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations.
  • Answer: We provide comprehensive support throughout the audit process, including pre-audit risk assessment, ongoing compliance checks, detailed documentation review, and robust defense strategies during and after the audit. Our goal is to minimize financial disruptions and help you navigate the appeals process if necessary.

Answer: Common reasons include incorrect patient eligibility verification, billing for non-covered services, and insufficient documentation. Prevention strategies include thorough documentation practices, regular compliance training for staff, and using updated software to track and verify claims accurately.

  • Answer: Yes, we specialize in handling Medicaid Program Integrity audits by ensuring your claims adhere to the latest Medicaid regulations. Our services include review of your documentation and procedures, assistance with independent third-party inspections, and representation in disputes or appeals arising from audit findings.

IRS Representation

At Resolute Solutions, we provide expert guidance and strategic support to navigate the complex regulations and frequent updates from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Our services are designed to help healthcare providers maintain compliance, avoid financial recoupments, and manage the intricacies of Medicare, Medicaid, and RAC audits effectively.


IRS Levies and Judgments

Dealing with IRS levies can be a distressing experience, as it involves the legal seizure of your assets to satisfy tax debts. This can include garnishment of wages, freezing of bank accounts, and seizure of property, including real estate and vehicles.


  • Defense Against Levies: We provide urgent and robust defenses against IRS levies to prevent the seizure of your assets and negotiate alternatives that satisfy tax liabilities without crippling your financial standing.
  • Guidance on Federal Tax Liens: Our experts offer strategic advice on managing and navigating federal tax liens, helping you to mitigate their impact and work towards having them removed, thereby protecting your credit and asset ownership.

Audit and Collection Action Representation

IRS audits and collection actions can be intimidating, posing significant legal and financial risks.


  • Audit Defense: We represent you during IRS audits, utilizing our in-depth knowledge of tax laws and IRS procedures to advocate on your behalf. Our approach minimizes the chance of adverse outcomes and seeks to resolve audits with favorable terms.
  • Collection Dispute Representation: If you face collection actions, we negotiate directly with the IRS to set up payment plans, prove financial hardship if applicable, and dispute unjust collection tactics.

Tax Resolution Services

Resolving back taxes, non-filing, and other tax issues requires a clear understanding of IRS procedures and the legal options available to taxpayers.


  • Handling Non-Filing: We assist clients who have not filed their tax returns for one or more years, helping to mitigate penalties, file missing returns, and restore compliance with the IRS.
  • Back Taxes: We negotiate payment plans and settlements for back taxes owed, aiming to reduce the overall burden and facilitate manageable repayment terms.
  • Offers-in-Compromise: For eligible clients, we prepare and submit offers-in-compromise to the IRS, proposing to settle tax debts for less than the full amount owed based on an assessment of your ability to pay.
  • Resolution of Liens: We work to resolve tax liens, clearing the path for financial recovery and release of claims on your assets.

Comprehensive Tax Planning

Strategic tax planning is crucial for minimizing tax liabilities and enhancing profitability, whether for individuals or businesses.


  • Minimization of Tax Liability: We develop tax strategies that align with your financial goals and legal requirements, aiming to reduce your tax burden and maximize your income.
  • Representation for Unfiled Tax Returns: Our experts provide representation for clients with unfiled tax returns, helping to navigate the complexities of late filing and minimizing the associated penalties and consequences.

IRS Representation - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Answer: An IRS levy is a legal seizure of your assets to satisfy a tax debt. This can include taking money from bank accounts, garnishing wages, seizing vehicles, real estate, and other personal property. Resolute Solutions can help by intervening on your behalf to negotiate with the IRS, potentially halting the levy. We work to establish payment plans or find other resolutions that meet your tax obligations without significant loss to your assets.
  • Answer: If you receive an audit notification, it’s important to act quickly and calmly. Contact Resolute Solutions as soon as possible. Our team of tax professionals will review your tax returns, prepare the necessary documentation, and represent you during the audit process. We aim to minimize any potential financial or legal repercussions and strive to resolve the audit efficiently.

Answer: An IRS tax lien is a legal claim against your property, including real estate, personal property, and financial assets, when you fail to pay a tax debt. A lien protects the government’s interest in your assets. Resolute Solutions can assist in managing and navigating federal tax liens to mitigate their impact. This includes working towards having them discharged or subordinated, thereby protecting your credit and asset ownership.Answer: An IRS tax lien is a legal claim against your property, including real estate, personal property, and financial assets, when you fail to pay a tax debt. A lien protects the government’s interest in your assets. Resolute Solutions can assist in managing and navigating federal tax liens to mitigate their impact. This includes working towards having them discharged or subordinated, thereby protecting your credit and asset ownership.

  • Answer: Yes, we specialize in resolving back taxes, regardless of how old they are. We can negotiate with the IRS to possibly reduce the debt amount through an offer-in-compromise, set up a feasible payment plan, or find other legal avenues to manage the debt. Our goal is to bring you back into compliance with the IRS while minimizing the financial strain.
  • Answer: An offer-in-compromise (OIC) allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed. It may be a viable option if you can’t pay your full tax liability, or doing so creates a financial hardship. Eligibility is based on several factors, including your income, expenses, asset equity, and ability to pay. Resolute Solutions can assess your situation to determine if an OIC is appropriate and assist in preparing and submitting your application.

Answer: During an IRS collection action, you might face aggressive tactics such as wage garnishments, bank levies, or asset seizures. Resolute Solutions will act as your advocate, negotiating directly with the IRS to dispute unfair collection practices, arrange for alternative repayment methods, and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

Answer: Strategic tax planning involves analyzing your financial situation from a tax perspective with the aim to reduce tax liabilities and maximize profitability. This includes selecting the appropriate business entity, taking advantage of tax credits and deductions, deferring income, and splitting income among family members to reduce the overall tax burden. Resolute Solutions provides comprehensive planning services to help you take full advantage of the tax laws that apply to your situation.

Answer: Resolute Solutions helps clients who have unfiled tax returns by preparing and filing all missing tax returns, negotiating with the IRS to reduce any penalties and interest accrued, and restoring compliance with the IRS. Our team provides thorough documentation and defense strategies to manage any inquiries or audits triggered by late filings.

Answer: Preventing future IRS issues involves maintaining accurate records, timely and correct filing of tax returns, proactive tax planning, and compliance with all IRS regulations. Resolute Solutions offers ongoing advisory services, including compliance checks and updates on new tax regulations, to keep your financial affairs in order and prevent future problems.

Answer: Receiving a threatening letter or legal notice from the IRS, such as a Notice of Intent to Levy or a Notice of Deficiency, indicates serious tax issues that require immediate attention. The first step is not to ignore the notice. Contact Resolute Solutions promptly so we can assess the letter’s contents and determine the urgency and nature of the action required. We will represent you in communications with the IRS, help clarify any misunderstandings, and negotiate on your behalf to resolve the issue. Our goal is to protect your rights and assets, minimize potential penalties, and negotiate a settlement or payment plan if necessary. Act quickly to ensure you have the best possible outcome.

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